2009-04-02 00:15:49 UTC
ask yourself the next question
who cares what portion of the total she did or did not see or did or
did not wear.
She wore clothes inconsistent with her image as a hockey mom.
she wore clothes that demonstrated her actual aspirations
I can't remember which of the 2 interviews it was, but I think Greta,
where she wants to offer her services to Obama for energy policy.
if he's banning drilling in anwar then what could she offer. she
needs to move to a state where they are making fuel cells, not
skinning moose, if she wants to be an energy expert
who cares what portion of the total she did or did not see or did or
did not wear.
She wore clothes inconsistent with her image as a hockey mom.
she wore clothes that demonstrated her actual aspirations
I can't remember which of the 2 interviews it was, but I think Greta,
where she wants to offer her services to Obama for energy policy.
if he's banning drilling in anwar then what could she offer. she
needs to move to a state where they are making fuel cells, not
skinning moose, if she wants to be an energy expert
Re the clothes Sarah Palin bought with the RNC money
Don't you love how Sarah Palin knows it's exactly a 1/3. a 1/3 of
she hasn't seen? Sounds SO rehearsed
But, no -- and here they say that it was $150,000 worth of clothes. I
haven't seen $150,000 worth of clothes. What I understood now is that
about a third of those clothes got sent back right away because they
weren't going fit or weren't -- you know, that didn't fit what they
wanted the family to look like. Another third did follow me along the
trail, and those have all been sent back. And then another third
stayed in the belly of the airplane the whole time.
But it was for eight people, not just for myself. And my understanding
is right off the bat, about a third of the clothes had been returned
because they just weren't going to work. Another third of the clothes
that we were wearing all got returned to the RNC. And another third of
the clothes -- we never did see them. Evidently, they were in the
belly of the plane, and those got sent back also
Don't you love how Sarah Palin knows it's exactly a 1/3. a 1/3 of
she hasn't seen? Sounds SO rehearsed
But, no -- and here they say that it was $150,000 worth of clothes. I
haven't seen $150,000 worth of clothes. What I understood now is that
about a third of those clothes got sent back right away because they
weren't going fit or weren't -- you know, that didn't fit what they
wanted the family to look like. Another third did follow me along the
trail, and those have all been sent back. And then another third
stayed in the belly of the airplane the whole time.
But it was for eight people, not just for myself. And my understanding
is right off the bat, about a third of the clothes had been returned
because they just weren't going to work. Another third of the clothes
that we were wearing all got returned to the RNC. And another third of
the clothes -- we never did see them. Evidently, they were in the
belly of the plane, and those got sent back also
Morrissey put out Years of Refusal this year. It looks like it might be
Did you see that Onion video about the 7 year old that raised money for a
negative ad against McCain (for Obama) by selling lemonade? There is now
a real 7 year old with his own blog that said on it why adults should
vote for Obama and he got a letter of thanks from Obama. The Oinion is
I am sure you saw that Obama has so much money left over from the
campaign that he is going to run negative ads against people he just
doesn't care for, starting with Ryan Seacrest.
given that Obama today claimed tremendous rapproachement with the ex
Soviets and the press making a big deal about Michelle's couture when
going to see the Queen of Britain, this little old half a year old Onion
farce is even funnier still
International Con Man Barack Obama Leaves U.S. With $85 Million In
Campaign Fundraising
November 11, 2008 | Issue 44.46
Barack Obama as he appeared to millions of Americans, along with four of
the president-elect's former disguises.
CHICAGO-In a devastating blow to millions of unsuspecting Americans,
newly elected president and international con man Barack Obama fled the
country Wednesday with nearly $85 million in campaign funds.
According to FBI investigators, Obama's sudden disappearance was
discovered at 6:15 p.m. when the former Illinois senator failed to arrive
at a gala event in Lincoln Square, prompting several aides to rush back
to his campaign headquarters. At 6:23 p.m., flight logs at O'Hare
International Airport confirmed that two passengers, a male carrying two
silver briefcases and dressed in a perfectly tailored Brioni tuxedo, and
an African-American female wearing a fur coat and speaking in a thick
Russian accent, were seen boarding a private plane
Did you see that Onion video about the 7 year old that raised money for a
negative ad against McCain (for Obama) by selling lemonade? There is now
a real 7 year old with his own blog that said on it why adults should
vote for Obama and he got a letter of thanks from Obama. The Oinion is
I am sure you saw that Obama has so much money left over from the
campaign that he is going to run negative ads against people he just
doesn't care for, starting with Ryan Seacrest.
given that Obama today claimed tremendous rapproachement with the ex
Soviets and the press making a big deal about Michelle's couture when
going to see the Queen of Britain, this little old half a year old Onion
farce is even funnier still
International Con Man Barack Obama Leaves U.S. With $85 Million In
Campaign Fundraising
November 11, 2008 | Issue 44.46
Barack Obama as he appeared to millions of Americans, along with four of
the president-elect's former disguises.
CHICAGO-In a devastating blow to millions of unsuspecting Americans,
newly elected president and international con man Barack Obama fled the
country Wednesday with nearly $85 million in campaign funds.
According to FBI investigators, Obama's sudden disappearance was
discovered at 6:15 p.m. when the former Illinois senator failed to arrive
at a gala event in Lincoln Square, prompting several aides to rush back
to his campaign headquarters. At 6:23 p.m., flight logs at O'Hare
International Airport confirmed that two passengers, a male carrying two
silver briefcases and dressed in a perfectly tailored Brioni tuxedo, and
an African-American female wearing a fur coat and speaking in a thick
Russian accent, were seen boarding a private plane
what was in the belly of this plane
maureen dowd has definitely characterized Sarah Palin's hypocrisy very
well in this article
Olbermann said in response to the door comment, where Palin said if a
door opens to let her stand for a nomination, don't let it -- ie the
door -- hit you
on the ass on the way out
Pat Buchanan and Larry Donaldson (West Wing producer, talking head on
the news shows also ) made a bet recently
Buchanan loves Palin - because of the conservative christian thing
he thinks she will be there in 2012
Donaldson thinks she won't even scratch the surface
Donaldson bet Pat a GM car if she makes it to the slate.
Buchanan said no
Donaldson said ok a cadillac
2 cadillacs
also did you know about the Marky Mark Obama connection see below the
dowd article
Palin continues to be beset by ethics filings and McCain this week
really gave her faint praise a less than even lukewarm endorsement on
Meet the Press this week
Would you endorse her next time, they asked. We will have to see who
runs, he said, and
Boxers, Briefs or Silks? By MAUREEN DOWD
Sarah Palin represents a huge historic leap forward for women.
When Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton ran, their fates were
inextricably linked with their gender. If they failed, many women felt,
there was an X through the whole X chromosome. A blot on the female
If not this woman now, Hillary's supporters would ardently ask me, what
woman ever?
But Sarah Palin can come across as utterly unready to lead the world -
or even find the world on a map - and that doesn't reflect poorly on the
rest of us.
It only means that she doesn't have enough mind grapes or thoughtsicles,
as Tracy Morgan refers to brain droppings on "30 Rock," to be president
(It's W., Cheney and Edward Liddy, the C.E.O. of A.I.G. - who can't seem
to stop the conga line of bailout beneficiaries from going on luxury
retreats, even though taxpayers have to keep ponying up - who may have
clinched the case that overprivileged white men are biologically or
cognitively unsuited to hold higher office.)
Palin told Greta Van Susteren Monday on Fox News that her faith will
guide her on a 2012 run. "I'm like, O.K., God, if there is an open door
for me somewhere - this is what I always pray - don't let me miss the
open door," she said. "Show me where the open door is, even if it's
cracked open a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on through that and
maybe prematurely plow through it."
The Alaska governor, who now thinks she is even bigger than her vast
state, has certainly not missed an opportunity to throw open the door to
the national press this week, letting them hang in her Wasilla kitchen
as she makes moose chili and cake and baby formula and hefty servings of
After her brutal transformation by the McCain campaign into a
shopaholic, whack-job diva - "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus
from coast to coast," as one angry McCain aide characterized it to
Newsweek - Palin is now trying to unmake that makeover and morph from
uptown cloistered girl back to down-home accessible girl.
Just hanging in the kitchen with her family and a bunch of camera crews,
washing lettuce and washing John McCain and his tattling, gossiping
sewing circle of aides right out of her fluffed-up hair. The same McCain
aides who blasted the press as sexist for wondering if Palin was
hopelessly over her head swiveled around and blasted Palin to the press
as hopelessly over her head. The snippy McCain snipers once loved
Palin's sassy ability to burn Barack Obama and Joe Biden with snide
little remarks.
So let's see how they like the burn turned on them? She said that the
anonymous aides scapegoating her were "cowardly" "mean-spirited,"
"immature," "unprofessional" and "jerks."
She's right. And where was the usually gallant John McCain during all
this? Usually Republicans protect their own. There was plenty W. didn't
know during his coaching sessions when he was running for president, but
it never leaked out from staffers.
And yet, Palin still seems disturbingly unconcerned about how much she
does not know.
Calling Tina Fey. Here's Palin defending herself on the contention that
"My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to
me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries
there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the
corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance
was Alaska's investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund
And, she concluded, "never, ever did I talk about, well, gee, is it a
country or a continent, I just don't know about this issue."
Palin's father, Chuck Heath, told The Associated Press over the weekend
that his daughter was "frantically" trying to sort out the clothes she
got as Eliza Knowlittle so she could send them back.
"You know," Heath said, "the kids lose underwear, and everything has to
be accounted for."
As Michael Shear reported in The Washington Post, on top of the $150,000
first cited in F.E.C. filings, Palin spent "tens of thousands of
dollars" on more clothes, makeup and jewelry for herself and her family,
including $40,000 in luxury goods for the First Dude. The campaign was
charged for silk boxers, spray tanners and 13 suitcases to carry the
designer duds, Shear reported, adding that one source said, "She was
still receiving shipments of custom-designed underpinnings up to her
'Saturday Night Live' performance" in October. Silk boxers and
custom-designed underpinnings? Sounds like Sarah and Todd were treating
the vice presidential run as a second honeymoon.
Palin should follow her own reformer precedent and put the borrowed
underpinnings on eBay. The windfall would undergird her new presidential
Wahlberg And Obama's Right Hand Men Are Brothers
6 November 2008 6:15 AM, PST | From | See recent WENN news
Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg and America's next president Barack Obama
have a sibling connection - their right hand men are brothers.
On Thursday Rahm Emanuel accepted the position of Chief of Staff in
Obama's administration and will assume his position when Obama is
sworn into power on 20 January (0).
Emanuel's brother, Ari, is Wahlberg's agent - the man who inspired the
character of Ari Gold in hit TV show Entourage.
Ari isn't the only brother with small screen ties - Rahm worked in the
White House under former President Bill Clinton, and is rumoured to
have inspired Bradley Whitford's character Josh Lyman in TV show The
West Wing.
maureen dowd has definitely characterized Sarah Palin's hypocrisy very
well in this article
Olbermann said in response to the door comment, where Palin said if a
door opens to let her stand for a nomination, don't let it -- ie the
door -- hit you
on the ass on the way out
Pat Buchanan and Larry Donaldson (West Wing producer, talking head on
the news shows also ) made a bet recently
Buchanan loves Palin - because of the conservative christian thing
he thinks she will be there in 2012
Donaldson thinks she won't even scratch the surface
Donaldson bet Pat a GM car if she makes it to the slate.
Buchanan said no
Donaldson said ok a cadillac
2 cadillacs
also did you know about the Marky Mark Obama connection see below the
dowd article
Palin continues to be beset by ethics filings and McCain this week
really gave her faint praise a less than even lukewarm endorsement on
Meet the Press this week
Would you endorse her next time, they asked. We will have to see who
runs, he said, and
Boxers, Briefs or Silks? By MAUREEN DOWD
Sarah Palin represents a huge historic leap forward for women.
When Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton ran, their fates were
inextricably linked with their gender. If they failed, many women felt,
there was an X through the whole X chromosome. A blot on the female
If not this woman now, Hillary's supporters would ardently ask me, what
woman ever?
But Sarah Palin can come across as utterly unready to lead the world -
or even find the world on a map - and that doesn't reflect poorly on the
rest of us.
It only means that she doesn't have enough mind grapes or thoughtsicles,
as Tracy Morgan refers to brain droppings on "30 Rock," to be president
(It's W., Cheney and Edward Liddy, the C.E.O. of A.I.G. - who can't seem
to stop the conga line of bailout beneficiaries from going on luxury
retreats, even though taxpayers have to keep ponying up - who may have
clinched the case that overprivileged white men are biologically or
cognitively unsuited to hold higher office.)
Palin told Greta Van Susteren Monday on Fox News that her faith will
guide her on a 2012 run. "I'm like, O.K., God, if there is an open door
for me somewhere - this is what I always pray - don't let me miss the
open door," she said. "Show me where the open door is, even if it's
cracked open a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on through that and
maybe prematurely plow through it."
The Alaska governor, who now thinks she is even bigger than her vast
state, has certainly not missed an opportunity to throw open the door to
the national press this week, letting them hang in her Wasilla kitchen
as she makes moose chili and cake and baby formula and hefty servings of
After her brutal transformation by the McCain campaign into a
shopaholic, whack-job diva - "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus
from coast to coast," as one angry McCain aide characterized it to
Newsweek - Palin is now trying to unmake that makeover and morph from
uptown cloistered girl back to down-home accessible girl.
Just hanging in the kitchen with her family and a bunch of camera crews,
washing lettuce and washing John McCain and his tattling, gossiping
sewing circle of aides right out of her fluffed-up hair. The same McCain
aides who blasted the press as sexist for wondering if Palin was
hopelessly over her head swiveled around and blasted Palin to the press
as hopelessly over her head. The snippy McCain snipers once loved
Palin's sassy ability to burn Barack Obama and Joe Biden with snide
little remarks.
So let's see how they like the burn turned on them? She said that the
anonymous aides scapegoating her were "cowardly" "mean-spirited,"
"immature," "unprofessional" and "jerks."
She's right. And where was the usually gallant John McCain during all
this? Usually Republicans protect their own. There was plenty W. didn't
know during his coaching sessions when he was running for president, but
it never leaked out from staffers.
And yet, Palin still seems disturbingly unconcerned about how much she
does not know.
Calling Tina Fey. Here's Palin defending herself on the contention that
"My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to
me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries
there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the
corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance
was Alaska's investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund
And, she concluded, "never, ever did I talk about, well, gee, is it a
country or a continent, I just don't know about this issue."
Palin's father, Chuck Heath, told The Associated Press over the weekend
that his daughter was "frantically" trying to sort out the clothes she
got as Eliza Knowlittle so she could send them back.
"You know," Heath said, "the kids lose underwear, and everything has to
be accounted for."
As Michael Shear reported in The Washington Post, on top of the $150,000
first cited in F.E.C. filings, Palin spent "tens of thousands of
dollars" on more clothes, makeup and jewelry for herself and her family,
including $40,000 in luxury goods for the First Dude. The campaign was
charged for silk boxers, spray tanners and 13 suitcases to carry the
designer duds, Shear reported, adding that one source said, "She was
still receiving shipments of custom-designed underpinnings up to her
'Saturday Night Live' performance" in October. Silk boxers and
custom-designed underpinnings? Sounds like Sarah and Todd were treating
the vice presidential run as a second honeymoon.
Palin should follow her own reformer precedent and put the borrowed
underpinnings on eBay. The windfall would undergird her new presidential
Wahlberg And Obama's Right Hand Men Are Brothers
6 November 2008 6:15 AM, PST | From | See recent WENN news
Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg and America's next president Barack Obama
have a sibling connection - their right hand men are brothers.
On Thursday Rahm Emanuel accepted the position of Chief of Staff in
Obama's administration and will assume his position when Obama is
sworn into power on 20 January (0).
Emanuel's brother, Ari, is Wahlberg's agent - the man who inspired the
character of Ari Gold in hit TV show Entourage.
Ari isn't the only brother with small screen ties - Rahm worked in the
White House under former President Bill Clinton, and is rumoured to
have inspired Bradley Whitford's character Josh Lyman in TV show The
West Wing.